Friday 25 April 2014

The History of Jigsaw

jigsaw suppliers - MAXPRO

Jigsaw was invented in 1946 by an engineer Albert Kaufmann. The idea of inventing this useful power tool was adapted by a sewing machine by replacing a sewing needle with saw blade. Jigsaw’s mechanism works almost same like a sewing machine. It has a saw blade which moves in a vertical position and cuts through the object. This powerful tool provides great help to wood workers to perform cutting accurately and efficiently.

This machine is usually used to cut a wood, metal or other material just like angle grinders. This tool is widely used to cut wood in an artistic and fashionable pattern. Jigsaws are usually known for cutting a wood piece in 45 degree angle which is very difficult to be cut through any hand tool.

MAXPRO jigsaws are having aluminum base plate with a storage area for blades and a laser beam powered by AC supply for providing guidance to a user. There are many types of jigsaw blades which are available and a user can select one according to his requirement. The specifications of blades vary according to the purpose of cutting. For more information visit our official website


  1. When we hear the term jigsaw, we immediately think of a puzzle. But there is another jigsaw out there that makes an essential tool for many workers.

    While this list is not about puzzles, buying a jigsaw is somewhat like a puzzle. What we mean is that when purchasing a new machine, a lot of things have to come together to make your work experience complete.

    Best jigsaw blades

    Best Jigsaw 2020

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