Wednesday 30 April 2014

Safety Is A Responsibility! Use Power Tools Wisely and Attentively

Electric drills like impact drill and electric drills are very useful and powerful tools but they are dangerous at the same time too. They can easily drills out holes in desired objects but at the same time they can seriously damage your hand as well. Because of this probability, you should use drills very carefully.

When drilling in the wall, please make sure that there is no electric wire under the wall. If a live electric cable comes in contact with the drilling bit, it can create a short circuit and can give a serious shock to the user and may damage the drill as well.. To avoid these kinds of situations, a user must put extra time to check the safety measures. For this particular purpose, user must use AC detector tool which has the ability to detect an active electric wire behind the wall.

Do not wear any jewelry like watches, rings, bracelets or any dangling jewelry which could catch in the drill. Always try to cover your eyes by wearing goggles to protect your eyes from dust and debris which fly towards you as drill goes into the wall and can damage your eyes.

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