Monday 21 April 2014

6 Steps to use Angle Grinder

Angle grinder is the most common tool used in various industries. This tool is having a rotary motor which rotates grinding disc at a high speed. This tool can be used in various industries by changing a disc as per requirement to grinding or cutting disc respectively. This is a very handy tool which can provide great benefit to user and the things which should be considered before selecting and using angle grinders are as follow:

1. Selecting a right angle grinder: Angle grinder’s power differs from model to model and selecting a right tool as per work requirement is very necessary.

2. Selecting right disc: There are many types of disc including grinding disc, cutting disc and polishing pad. Choosing a correct disc is very important because a grinding disc cannot be used for cutting and vice versa

3. Reading manual: Carefully read a product manual to understand complete guideline and instructions provided by manufacturer for best results.

4. Stabilizing your subject: Before cutting or grinding the subject should be fixed or stabilize or else a powerful moving disc of a grinder will move the subject from location which can result in an injury.

5. Holding grinder: Hold you grinder with a strong grip and two hands for stabilized operations.

6. Right position: Move your grinder in a correct position or else this tool can kick back and cause a serious injury.


  1. Very helpful information about power tools. Angle grinder Power tools are much important accessories of power tools. I truly suggest this blogger and helpful for all.


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    Have an excellent day! Chainsaw Sharpening Angles
